Looking for a specific bylaw? Use the search bar below.
Bylaw 2024-09: To Enter into Agreement with RM Recreation Facilities and Recreation Board
Bylaw 2024-10: Property Tax Incentives and Penalties
Bylaw 2024-04 Animal Control Bylaw
Bylaw 2024-02: To Regulate Mobile Food Vending Vehicles
Bylaw 2022-04: Minimum Amount of Tax to be Levied with Respect to Commercial and Residential Land and Base Tax of Residential Improvement Property Tax
Bylaw 2022-02: The Sewer and Water Bylaw
Bylaw 2018-03: Agreement with RM Health Improvement Committee
Bylaw 2022-01: Business License Bylaw
Bylaw 2018-05: Rates for Water and Sewer
Bylaw 2021-02: Formation and Ongoing Operation of a Big River and District Fire Department and to Recover Protective Services Costs
Bylaw 2021-03: To Regulate Recreational Campfires and Fireworks
Bylaw 2021-05: A Bylaw to Regulate and Maintain the Big River Seniors Museum
Bylaw 2018-02: Cemetery
Bylaw 2015-04: Council and Council Committees Procedures
Bylaw 2016-04: To Adopt a Code of Ethics
Bylaw 2017-04: To Set Mill Rate
Bylaw 2014-09: To Set a Fee for Issuing Tax Certificates
Bylaw 2011-02: To Establish Penalties for Contravention of Bylaws
Bylaw 2012-04: To control and Regulate Noise
Bylaw 2012-10: To Abate Nuisances
Bylaw 2013-08: Use of Private Vehicles for the Purpose of Emergency Response Firefighters
Bylaw 2006-03: To Set a Fee for Assessment of Classification Appeals
Bylaw 2008-02: Operation of Regional Park
Bylaw 2002-19: Regulate the Use of All Terrain Vehicles
Bylaw 2004-12: To Provide for Entering Into Agreement with City of PA Dispatch Services
Bylaw 1997-10: Wapati Regional Library
Bylaw 1989-17: To Prevent Encumbrance of Roads, Streets and Sidewalks
Bylaw 1989-16: Respecting Animal Control
Bylaw 1994-02: Disposal of Sewage
Bylaw 1994-08: To Provide for Agreement Emergency Measures
Bylaw 2015-02: Zoning Bylaw
Bylaws 2016-03 & 2016-02: To Amend Zoning Bylaw
Bylaw 2017-08: To Amend Zoning Bylaw
Bylaw 2018-04: To Amend Zoning Bylaw
Bylaw 2020-02: To Amend Zoning Bylaw
Bylaw 2022-05: Zoning Bylaw Amendment- R1 Modular Homes
Bylaw 2023-01: Zoning Bylaw Amendment- Cannabis Retail Stores
Bylaw 2024-03: A Bylaw To Amend Zoning Bylaw 2015-02 Short Term Accommodation
Town of Big River Zoning Bylaw Map
Town of Big River Zoning Bylaw Map
Appendix B: Comprehensive Development Report
Figure 9: Satellite Image
Figure 8: Satellite Image
Figure 7: Land Use Designation Plan Map
Figure 6: Land Use Designation Plan Map
Figure 5: Contour Plan Map
Figure 4: Regional Topographic Plan Map
Figure 3: Parcel Base Plan Map
Figure 2: Site Context Plan Map
Figure 1: Local Area Context Plan Map
Schedule A: Bylaw 2015-01 Official Community Plan